Relaxing When you Play Banjo

Relaxing When you Play Banjo
by Ross Nickerson

Everyone that plays banjo knows that when they tense up, bad things can happen. Banjo players get teased for sometimes having a dead pan look but there is likely a real good reason for appearing nonchalant or making it look easy, it’s called, keeping cool and relaxed. How many good banjo players have you seen grimacing, straining and trying too hard, not many I’d bet.  How many times have you seen someone tense up and have problems? How many times has that happened to you?

If you are in agreement that this is one of the key ingredients for success in banjo playing, let’s discuss some practical ways to help you achieve a relaxed state, other than shots of whiskey that is.

Having More Ability than You Need

Building skill and ability in practice makes you relaxed. When you have more skill than is needed to execute a song then you are coasting and in a relaxed state.  For instance, practicing single string scales and left hand finger exercises may not apply directly to a song like Turkey in the Straw, but the scales are more difficult than the left hand moves needed for Turkey in the Straw, hence the left hand moves start to feel easy. With your picking hand, if you can pick at a certain top speed or a breaking point, when you back it off a bit, you will be more relaxed.

Push yourself to play rolls faster and then slow it down to a speed you can relax at.  I could elaborate but I think you get the idea, drill and build skill in both your right and left hand so you have more ability than is needed to play the songs you like and are learning.
Here is my resource for banjo drills and exercises.
The Banjo Encyclopedia “Bluegrass Banjo From A to Z”

Muscle Memory

There really is no substitute for muscle memory, Muscle memory is what makes the banjo playing world go round. We simply don’t have the mental or physical capability to pull out of thin air notes we saw on a page even a moderate speed. Learn songs by repeating measures and phrases over and over without looking at tab. Learn how arrangements work and how to recover from mistakes. We are not robots, everyone makes mistakes. The difference for pros and more accomplished players is that they have achieved “ways out” and know how to not get cornered. That’s because of reps, experience and muscle memory.


Holding your breath is a very common problem for banjo players. Playing the banjo does to lend itself to easy breathing like strumming a guitar and singing, or even fiddle playing. You are in a very tight space with little or no arm movement, We are also using three fingers to play in mostly 4/4 time, if you are not solid on where the downbeat is, that can complicate breathing properly too. You may see some banjo players rocking there head back and forth, any motion like that could help. When performing, I much prefer playing around a mic that picks me up from a distance so I can move and breath. Standing or sitting like a statue really locks you up. Think of ways you can keep breathing and play freely.  Having more skill than needed helps you to not hold your breath and tense up too.


There is no substitute for practice and preparation to relax you. Sometimes this can be boiled down to knowing what to practice. For me when I began learning, it became apparent right away that if I could not play fast enough to keep up I would be embarrassed and left behind. So I got right on practicing that. That might not be your goal to play blazing fast but It is important that you are able to pick fast enough so that you can back it off and cruise in a more relaxed state.  Practice building up reasonable picking hand speed and fretting hand skill with exercises and drills. Keep in mind that many times playing fast is just having the good sense to keep it simple so you can keep up both physically and mentally. Here is a link.  How to Practice

Practicing things that apply to many situations and Planning for the Unexpected

Spending too much practice time on one song is a trap that can be fallen into easily.
When confronted with playing songs with others that musicians are not familiar with we all learn the chords to the songs first. That is very clear for guitar, mandolin, bass players etc. but somehow goes over the head of many banjo players rooted in tablature. Learning to play along based on the chords of the song is really how it’s done and I don’t just mean vamping.  Replacing the strum or chop with a simple full measure roll and changing chords is something to start with. You can still provide a rhythm and play along if you execute your rolls in time and change chords with others. Banjo playing is rooted in the rhythm you produce not the notes you play. It can start very simple and go much further to include improvising over the chords, finding melody notes in the chord and continuing  to building your skills in this crucial but overlooked area.  All of these tools in preparing to play along with songs you only know the chords to will absolutely help you relax when you play. My DVD Playing by Ear and Learning the Chords teaches this in detail.  Playing By Ear and Learning the Chords

The topic or relaxing when you play could be expanded much more and commented on in so many different ways. I recommend that you keep the simple statement of “relaxing when you play” as a default concept in your approach to practicing and learning. It will help guide you to find more and more ways to use your practice time to accomplish relaxing, breathing and making things feel easier to you both physically and mentally .


Playing By Ear and Learning the Chords
Banjo Play Along and Practice DVD
How to Practice Banjo DVD
The Banjo Encyclopedia “Bluegrass Banjo From A to Z”
Essential Banjo Licks DVD